Dhamma in Prisons – O‘ahu
Dhamma in Prisons
Around the world, various programs introduce mindful meditation to inmates in prison. In 1991 Vipassana Hawai’i was invited by Roshi Robert Aiken to partner with the Diamond Sangha to develop the O‘ahu Prison Dhamma Program. After a year of monthly meetings with much enthusiasm among an interested group of nearly 20 from both sanghas, the program began at the Women’s Community Correctional Center in Kailua with several VH sangha members involved. The men’s program began about a year later at Halawa Correctional Facility. The program expanded to the Federal Detention Center shortly after it was open in 2001. We also occasionally serve Waiawa facility. Today there are more than a dozen volunteers serving those three facilities and we are in the process of expending the programs to OCCC also. We need more volunteers to adequately cover all those programs.
Contact us for more information if you are interested in participating in the program