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“Dhamma: Pure, Deep, and Simple”

Bodhi tree

Vipassana Hawai’i is pleased to announce registration is now open for our annual November residential retreat.

“Dhamma: Pure, Deep, and Simple”

with Michele McDonald and Steven Smith

November 27 – December 5, 2015  (9-days)

Come and receive a pure and powerful dhamma-teaching, the practice that awakens wisdom and metta, deeply embodied from the inside. Experience a nine-day Vipassana silent retreat in the beautiful serene Palolo Valley.

Steven Smith and Michele McDonald have been teaching together for over 33 years. Both are founders and guiding teachers for Vipassana Hawai’i. They are both looking forward to teaching again in Honolulu and offering old deep-shared experiences of the Dhamma.

The retreat will be hosted by Palolo Zen Center, which offers simple, dormitory accommodations in a green, natural setting. Options for the retreat are residential and non-residential. NO Weekend-only participation is offered. Single rooms are not available. Space is limited. Register now.

Vipassana Hawai‘i works hard to keep registration fees restricted to basic retreat expenses. Your additional contribution, on whatever level you can afford, and provided in the optional donation field below the registration, supports us in our daily work so the teachings may continue into the future.

We hope you will be able to attend.

New Facebook funding available for your registration!


We are excited to offer you the opportunity to raising funds, through Facebook, for your retreat registrations costs. This option is new and only available for the Kyaswa Foreign Yogis Retreat. Please set this up soon! Contact us at for the fundraising instructions.

On the other hand, if you are able to pay your own registration costs, or you are not able to attend this year, please consider donating to someone who needs the financial help to attend. We will send you links to contribute to others as soon as we have pages set up.

January 11 – January 31, 2016

Kyaswa Monastery Foreign Yogis Retreat
Sagaing Hills, Burma (Myanmar)

Sayadaw U Pannabhinanda, Michele McDonald, and Steven Smith

This three-week meditation retreat will be held at Kyaswa Monastery in the Sagaing Hills of Upper Burma (Myanmar). The hills are filled with centuries-old pagodas, monasteries, and nunneries, and are one of the most important practice centers of Theravada Buddhism. This “fusion” retreat offers a rare opportunity to practice meditation using highly respected traditional Burmese monastic methods supported by a skilled Western teaching perspective. For more information on the retreat and our teachers, please visit here.   Click here to register.​